The Deco Diaries

Chronicling the inspiration and creativity of the Art Deco era

Diary Articles

Heal's: Spearheading the Art Deco Revolution in London

Heal's: Spearheading the Art Deco Revolution in London

In the heart of London stands Heal's, a testament to the city's design transformation from a simple bed-making firm in 1810 to a beacon of...

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Metropolis - by Fritz Lang

Metropolis - by Fritz Lang

The 1927 science fiction film Metropolis created by Fritz Lang, is a commentary on the politics, poverty, conflict, and fears for the future during the...

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Bauhaus Designer Marianne Brandt

Bauhaus Designer Marianne Brandt

Marianne Brandt was the first woman admitted to the Bauhaus design school metalwork department, in 1923, and the only woman ever to receive a degree...

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Bauhaus Design

Bauhaus Design

Dessau Bauhaus Building - built in 1926Modernist architecture: steel-frame construction, a glass curtain wall, and an asymmetrical pinwheel plan Established by architect Walter Gropius in 1919...

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