Capes and wool coats were popular in the 1920s and came in a variety of materials and styles, depending on the occasion.

Winter Cape, La Mode Magazine December 1920
Capes and wraps were often worn with evening dress in the late 1910’s and early 1920’s. They were made of opulent fabrics, such as velvet and brocade, with high collars and accessorised with furs.
Many capes came without fastenings, which made them difficult to wear, as they had to be balanced on the shoulders. Capes were still popular on the catwalks of Paris, in 1925.

Maison Gerda Winter Coats, 1925
Coats tended to be simple, closed with just a single button wrapped over to the right and edged with fur.

Afternoon Coat edged with fur, by Atelier Bachroitz 1927