Number 7, Blyth Grove, Worksop, Nottingham has remained virtually unchanged since the Straws moved here in 1923 and decorated it, in a style that was fashionable at the time.

In 1932, Mr Straw, a grocer and merchant, died suddenly. His grief stricken family decided to keep the house exactly as he had known it.
Treasured possessions and ordinary domestic items can still be seen exactly where their owners left them. A 1932 calendar still hangs in the dining room. Mr Straw's pipe and tobacco pouch still hang beside the fireplace, and in the hall, his hats and coats remain on their pegs.
Outside, the lovingly tended garden and orchard includes a greenhouse housing Walter Straw's cacti collection.

Mr Straw's son, William, lived there until his death in 1990, where he bequeathed the house to the
National Trust.
7, Blyth Grove is one of the Trusts' more unusual properties; not full of fine antiques or Art Deco wonder, but a house preserving a unique glimpse into how we lived nearly 100 years ago.
The house is open to visitors in the spring and summer months.